About Frank
< Quick Intro/>
My name is Frank Pagano and I'm a junior web-developer based in Tampa, Florida.
Beside coding I love working out and living a healthy life-style. I own an unusual pet, a blue and yellow macaw, and a very large Newtonian telescope.
< Areas of Expertise/>
Back in the days I started coding with Turbo Pascal and I totally fell in love with it.
Nowadays I love developing applications using PHP/MySql solutions. I can design and manage
Databases using native MySql language or Doctrine, develop PHP applications using
object-oriented programming and develop powerful and lightweight front-end interfaces with Ajax requests and other Javascript/React techniques!
Lately I started developing Desktop/Multi-platform C++ applications with QT as well as embedded microcontroller programming.
My projects always have two important features in mind:
security and best practices!
security and best practices!
Languages, SQL and Styling
Frameworks, CMS and Libraries
< My Skill Set/>
- WordPress
- WP Plugins
- WooCommerce
- Symfony Applications
- Javascript / JQuery
- React JS
- Apache Server
- C++
- QT
- Linux Ubuntu